Sisters Uncut

Taking direct action for domestic violence services.

#DontLoseHope: Save Hopetown women-only hostel in Tower Hamlets

Sign the petition here.

What is Hopetown?

Hopetown Hostel in Whitechapel is one of the last women-only hostels in East London.

What is happening?

Tower Hamlets council is evicting over 100 vulnerable residents from Hopetown. The council is closing the hostel and cutting women-only hostel beds in the borough by one third.

This is unacceptable!

Most homeless women and non-binary people are survivors of violence or abuse. Survivors are being forced to move into mixed accommodation with men, and residents with complex health needs are being sent miles away from their care and support services.

What do we want?

East End Sisters Uncut demands that Tower Hamlets Council:

  • Keeps Hopetown Hostel open
  • Retains ALL of its women-only hostel beds
  • Invests in social housing and support services for women and non-binary people

Follow the campaign: twitter: @eeSistersUncut #dontlosehope